HappyMod / Tools / Circuit Calculator мод
Circuit Calculator Мод Apk 5.8 [Полный]

Circuit Calculator Мод Apk 5.8 [Полный]

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Circuit Calculator мод APK:

  • - Версия: 5.8
  • - Размер: 2.66 MB
  • - Цена: бесплатно
  • - Нужен рут: Незачем
  • - Предложения покупки в приложении: нет
  • - Цена: бесплатно

Circuit Calculator Мод Apk 5.8 [Полный] Характеристики:

Circuit Calculator мод Circuit Calculator Mod APK 5.8 Характеристики:

Full Version

"Circuit Calculator" is a professional electronics design tool for engineers.180+ circuits for design, 70+ electronics calculators, 20+ Application Notes, Logic Solver.Convenience, visibility and ability to find an optimal solution in minimum time.Simple user interface, small size, smart tool.*** No ads, No Internet access required. ***This electronics design tool is designed by an engineer for engineers and is able to save you a lot of time!Are you afraid to buy this app because of the lack of reviews?People are lazy to write reviews and the tool does not force you to write it like others do.The app has been on the market for several years.If someone who bought the tool was angry, they would write about it in the comments!And of course, if you find time to rate or write a review on this app, it will help other people to make their choice.You can try "Circuit Calculator Demo" before you buy:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vdv.circuitcalculator.demoThis electronics design tool can compute:* Amplifiers:Inverting, Non-Inverting, Difference, Instrumentation and etc.With Op Amps and Fully Differential Amplifiers.* Variable Gain Amplifiers:Single-ended and Differential.* Drivers:Single-ended, Differential, Balanced.* Mathematical Operations:Summing, Range converting, Integrators and etc.* Current Sources and Receivers:Current-to-Voltage and Voltage-to-Current converters.* Impedance Converters:Gyrators, C to L and C to RL.* Active and Passive Filters: Low-pass, High-pass, Band-pass, Band-stop, All-pass.LC, Diplexer, Triplexer, Multiple Feedback, Sallen-Key and other topologies.* Impedance Matching:L-network, PI-network, T-network.* Power Circuits:Feedback resistor divider, Zener diode, Input and Output Filters, Voltage multiplier.* Switching-Mode Power Supply Stages. - Small-signal analysis; - Current and voltage waveforms of components;Buck, Boost, Inverting Buck-Boost,SEPIC, Cuk, ZETA,Flyback, Forward,Half-Bridge, Push-Pull, Full-Bridge.* Control Loop Compensation:Type I, Type II, Type IIIwith Op Amp, Transconductance Amp, Shunt Regulator (TL431) with optocoupler.* Others Passive and Active Circuits;Features of the tool:* Tuning;* Monte-Carlo worst-case analysis;* Reverse: calculation of circuit parameters at known values of its components if it is possible.Suitable for circuit verification and reverse engineering."Circuit Calculator" also includes:* Logic Solver, from 2 to 6 inputs.* Electronics toolbox with more than 50 calculators.Parallel/Series connection, LED resistor, Noise calculations, PCB trace temperature, PCB trace impedance, Planar inductors, and etc.* Application Notes with information about components, circuits, standards.* S-Parameters Viewer which supports s1p, s2p, s3p, s4p files with S-parameters* Gerber Viewer which supports basic commands onlyYou can use "Filter Designer" to design multistage active analog filters, available in the Google Play Store.https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vdv.filterdesignerLet's Make Electronics Easier!

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Размер 2.7MB
Версия 5.8
Версия Code 57
Текст разрешения OTHER:

Allows an application to read from external storage.

Operation Systems

Мин Сдк 15
Min Sdk Txt Android 4.0.3、4.0.4 (ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH_MR1)
Target Sdk 33
Target Sdk Txt 33
Мульти окно No
Поддерживает экраны small, normal, large, xlarge
Cpu arm64-v8a armeabi-v7a
Open Gl Int 0
Поддерживает любую плотность Yes
Плотности 160, 240, 320, 480, 640, 65534

User Характеристики

Uses Характеристики Touchscreen hardware features:
The app uses the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) telephony radio system.
Uses implied Характеристики The app uses the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) telephony radio system.#:


Подпись A7B3774480C00C2064EA19F159906241F9F9D225
Sha256 AB9E09A265FEBB9CD0AD883E0F2E56D098665237F0B26B6B6C0912CB4A5889A0
Действителен с Fri Apr 26 05:42:17 CEST 2019 until: Sun Apr 18 05:42:17 CEST 2049
Серийный номер 2a9d19b2


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